South CarolinaOur Beautiful
South Carolina

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South Carolina (SC) was granted statehood on May 23, 1788. State Capital is Columbia. South Carolina has 46 counties and 9 electoral votes. State Nickname is The Palmetto State. Motto is "Dum spiro spero Animis opibusque parati" (While I breathe, I hope. Ready in soul and Resource).

Top Attractions (alphabetical)

With so many attractions in South Carolina it is difficult to put them in a short list. Soon we will be providing an opportunity to vote on your favorite attraction in South Carolina. This list will be added to/modified from time to time, so please keep checking back for the latest updates. For a larger list of attractions, please click here.

  • ?, SC:
  • Hutchinson, KS: Cosmosphere - The
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Major Features of South Carolina

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South Carolina Facts

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Did You Know?

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State Nickname

State Nickname is

State Capital

The State Capital of

State Bird

The State Bird for

State Flower

The State Flower of

State Motto

The State Motto is