West VirginiaOur Beautiful
West Virginia

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West Virginia (WV) was granted statehood on June 20, 1863. State Capital is Charleston. West Virginia has 55 counties with 5 electoral votes. State Nickname is The Mountain State. Motto is "Montani semper liberi" (Mountaineers are always free).

Top Attractions (alphabetical)

With so many attractions in West Virginia it is difficult to put them in a short list. Soon we will be providing an opportunity to vote on your favorite attraction in West Virginia. This list will be added to/modified from time to time, so please keep checking back for the latest updates. For a larger list of attractions, please click here.

  • ?, WV:
  • Hutchinson, KS: Cosmosphere - The
  • More... (forthcoming)

Major Features of West Viginia

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West Virginia Facts

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Did You Know?

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State Nickname

State Nickname is

State Capital

The State Capital of

State Bird

The State Bird for

State Flower

The State Flower of

State Motto

The State Motto is